E84-CIDOC - This class comprises all instances of E22 Man-Made Object that are explicitly designed to act as persistent physical carriers for instances of E73 Information Object. This allows a relationship to be asserted between an E19 Physical Object and its immaterial information contents. An E84 Information Carrier may or may not contain information, e.g., a diskette. Note that any E18 Physical Thing may carry information, such as an E34 Inscription. ***However, unless it was specifically designed for this purpose, it is not an Information Carrier. Therefore the property P128 carries (is carried by) applies to E18 Physical Thing in general. ++Philosurfical: so the relation carries is inherited from Physical-thing - we might want to add a specific relation for man-made objects... e.g. manifestations. This class was left out in cipher-crm... why? As a manifestation embodiement, it exemplifies it: a single exemplar of a manifestation.
E84-CIDOC - This class comprises all instances of E22 Man-Made Object that are explicitly designed to act as persistent physical carriers for instances of E73 Information Object. This allows a relationship to be asserted between an E19 Physical Object and its immaterial information contents. An E84 Information Carrier may or may not contain information, e.g., a diskette. Note that any E18 Physical Thing may carry information, such as an E34 Inscription. ***However, unless it was specifically designed for this purpose, it is not an Information Carrier. Therefore the property P128 carries (is carried by) applies to E18 Physical Thing in general. ++Philosurfical: so the relation carries is inherited from Physical-thing - we might want to add a specific relation for man-made objects... e.g. manifestations. This class was left out in cipher-crm... why? As a manifestation embodiement, it exemplifies it: a single exemplar of a manifestation.
E84-CIDOC - This class comprises all instances of E22 Man-Made Object that are explicitly designed to act as persistent physical carriers for instances of E73 Information Object. This allows a relationship to be asserted between an E19 Physical Object and its immaterial information contents. An E84 Information Carrier may or may not contain information, e.g., a diskette. Note that any E18 Physical Thing may carry information, such as an E34 Inscription. ***However, unless it was specifically designed for this purpose, it is not an Information Carrier. Therefore the property P128 carries (is carried by) applies to E18 Physical Thing in general. ++Philosurfical: so the relation carries is inherited from Physical-thing - we might want to add a specific relation for man-made objects... e.g. manifestations. This class was left out in cipher-crm... why? As a manifestation embodiement, it exemplifies it: a single exemplar of a manifestation.


Super Classes


Abstract Syntax



Class Description/Definition (Necessary Conditions)

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